In the height of midsummer, the VS Fisheries farm is at its most stunning. Simon Scott guides us through the farm, offering a fascinating glimpse into the stock ponds, the carefully crafted feeding program, and, most intriguingly, the hatchery. Here, Simon provides round-the-clock care to his freshly hatched spawn, showcasing his dedication and expertise in every step of the process.
Up Next in Season 1
The Harvest | Simon Scott | S1: Ep.2
The harvest season at VS Fisheries is the most demanding and high-pressure time of the year. Join Simon Scott as he meticulously oversees the draining of each pond and the careful removal of every carp. From grading to preparing them for sale, this critical process ensures lake owners nationwide ...
The Delivery | Simon Scott | S1: Ep.3
Simon and his team gear up to deliver the carp they’ve lovingly raised from eggs. In the depths of midwinter, we join them at dawn as fleets of vehicles and tons of carp are carefully prepared for delivery to lake owners across the UK.