The cold kicks in as we head off to Bluebell lakes with Jamie Clossick, Ian Chilcott returns to the Bait Spot with some hook bait edges, Joe ties the rig that's been catching for him all year, plus Oz Holness relives the awesome tale of catching the mighty Burghfield Common!
Up Next in 2016
February 2016 | Darrell Peck
On a winter's overnighter, Carp Catching machine Darrell Peck relives a truly EPIC tale of his trip to the mighty Orient. Ed Betteridge talks about the need to be versatile in your approach depending on where you fish, Joe shows you a new way to sharpen your hooks quickly, plus there's all the us...
March 2016 | Joe Atkinson
Winter Bites are here again! Joe Atkinson shows us how, plus Jon Mann on a day session challenge to catch as many as he can in the cold, Darrell Peck talks more Orient in a Quickfire special, plus all the usual carpy treats!
April 2016 | Simon Scott
Adam Penning takes the reins this month and is reunited with Simon Scott for an early spring session, where banter, stories, tips and edges are the order of the day. Elliott is back with his monthly diary plus we go zig fishing with him, as well as all the usual features you love!