Short Videos

Short Videos

Here you'll find our Short Film series page and within them you'll have access to everything from carpy tales to tactical advice - all in bite sized pieces!

Short Videos
  • Biggest Regret

    4 items

    We all have regrets and in this series you’ll hear them from a variety of anglers.

  • Laney's Big Pit Tales

    5 items

    Certain carp anglers have fallen in the lake, here's some, and the story behind it.

  • Best Blag
    21 items

    Best Blag

    21 items

    Tales of carp-catching skulduggery from some of the UK’s best anglers.

  • Catch Of A Lifetime

    21 items

    Everyone has a capture that resides in their memory as the pinnacle of their carp fishing and in this series you’ll find tales from variety of anglers.

  • Any Lake, Any Time

    13 items

    We ask anglers if they could fish any lake, during any period of time, which would it be?

  • What's In The Bag?

    6 items

    Ever wandered what people keep tucked inside their rucksacks and carryalls? We’re about to reveal all.

  • Seasonal Edge

    18 items

    There’s lots of things we can do to keep catching carp throughout the seasons and we ask a variety of anglers to reveal some of their biggest edges.

  • Game Changer

    26 items

    Every now and again something has a monumental effect on your fishing and we’ve asked a variety of anglers to reveal theirs.

  • Words Of Wisdom

    13 items

    Every angler has a little bit of advice they can pass on to others and we’ve asked a variety of anglers to do that for you.

  • What The F*@k!?

    15 items

    Ever had something worryingly odd occur whilst you’re on the bank? We ask a variety of anglers just that.

  • The One That Got Away

    18 items

    Every angler has that one fish that got away and in this series we ask anglers to relive that unfortunate experience again.

  • Strange Occurrence

    18 items

    Carp can do some crazy things and we’ve asked a variety of anglers to reveal some of the peculiar things they’ve seen fish do.

  • School Boy Error

    10 items

    Ever done something stupid that you look back on and sigh about? We ask a variety of anglers just that.

  • Quickfire
    15 items


    15 items

    A round of quickfire questions that must be answered without too much hesitation, and as honestly as possible.

  • Question Time

    6 items

    We gather bundles of carpy questions from social media and put them to anglers for an answer.

  • What's New?

    70 items

    Elliott reviews a variety of new products, giving you an in-depth look at what you’re buying and how much it’ll cost.

  • Used & Abused

    31 items

    Elliott reveals some of his favourite things, all of which have taken a battering and survived long enough to make it into this category.

  • A&E
    16 items


    16 items

    Ever hurt yourself whilst on the bank? These guys have!

  • Prized Posession

    8 items

    If there’s one item of tackle that you hold closest to you heart, what is it? We ask a variety of anglers just that.

  • Life Hack

    1 item

    Little edges that might just change your fishing, or even your life!

  • In The Drink

    5 items

    Certain carp anglers have fallen in the lake, here's some, and the story behind it.

  • Baker On Bait

    1 season

    John Baker, gives us a detailed run down on all things bait-making and reveals some informative gems along the way, bait guru style.

  • Inner City Tales

    5 items

    If you’ve fished in or around a city, it’s likely you’ll have some interesting stories to tell. We ask a variety of anglers for theirs.

  • In-Focus
    24 items


    24 items

    We looked in depth a variety of carp-catching topics, covering everything from rigs to moon phases.