Luke Stevenson shares everything you need to know about tying the supple hinge rig—a setup that has been pivotal in landing an impressive number of his big carp from a variety of venues across the country.
Up Next in Instructional
The Super-Long Hinge Rig | Jim Shelle...
Jim Shelley shows us how he constructs his famous hinge rig, incorporating a “super-long boom”. This is a pop-up presentation that has caught him hundreds of big carp and a rig well worth having in the armoury.
The Elliott Gray Rig | Elliott Gray |...
Elliott details exactly how to tie his classic adaptation of The Hinged Stiff Rig; a rig he developed many moons ago and a pop-up presentation that has soared in popularity, standing the test of time and accounting for thousands of big carp.
The Multi-Rig | Oli Davies | In-Focus
Oli Davies delivers a quick rundown on exactly how he ties his favourite pop-up rig; the super-versatile, easy to use and highly effective, Multi Rig.