The Long Game | Byron Etwell | S4: Ep.1
Byron Etwell has mastered the art of long-range fishing, but it didn’t come easy! Being a Yateley boy, range fishing wasn’t something he needed in the armoury, but that all changed when he started on Burghfield. In this film we look at how he transformed his angling and mastered the art of distance, whilst dipping into another subject that’s sure to drop some jaws, MASS BAITING!
Up Next in Instructional
Carp On The Float | Jim Shelley | S3:...
Jim Shelley is a master of many carp-fishing disciplines, including that most old school of them all, float fishing. We spent a couple of days learning exactly how Uncle Jim uses his renowned watercraft to the fullest to catch cautious carp on the float. From the right tackle to use, to setting u...
Banoffee Wafters | Darrell Peck | S1:...
Darrell Peck shows us how to make, and get the best from his now-infamous Banoffee Wafters. We got the back-story, the tips and tricks to make them just like him, and the benefit of his experience using them for some of the biggest carp in the UK, and the World even! Expect to see a few folk usin...
Cork Dust Wafters | Food For Thought ...
Elliott shows you how to make cork dust wafters at home in the garage, a super-effective hookbait that he's caught lots of carp on!