The Supple Hinge | Luke Stevenson | C12: Ep.4
Luke Stevenson shares everything you need to know about tying the supple hinge rig—a setup that has been pivotal in landing an impressive number of his big carp from a variety of venues across the country.
The Super-Long Hinge Rig | Jim Shelley | In- Focus
Jim Shelley shows us how he constructs his famous hinge rig, incorporating a “super-long boom”. This is a pop-up presentation that has caught him hundreds of big carp and a rig well worth having in the armoury.
The Elliott Gray Rig | Elliott Gray | In-Focus
Elliott details exactly how to tie his classic adaptation of The Hinged Stiff Rig; a rig he developed many moons ago and a pop-up presentation that has soared in popularity, standing the test of time and accounting for thousands of big carp.
The Multi-Rig | Oli Davies | In-Focus
Oli Davies delivers a quick rundown on exactly how he ties his favourite pop-up rig; the super-versatile, easy to use and highly effective, Multi Rig.
The Stiff D-Rig | Tom Stokes | S1: Ep.6
Tom Stokes’s D-Rig has accounted for a large number of his most prized carp, which include some of the biggest and best carp the UK has seen. When you’re angling for fish of this calibre, on the gnarly old pits that they reside in, you need strong and reliable tackle. Having faith in a rig is cri...
Pre-Baiting | Joe Stephens | S1: Ep.4
This is a film inspired by the feedback and questions we get from you guys every month, and with pre-baiting being a hot topic we’ve summoned Joe Stephens to cover the secrets to a successful baiting campaign. Joe is an everyday guy that works a 9-5 job and prides his family time, so how does he ...
The Slip D-Rig | Mike Holly
Mike Holly has used the same efficient, adaptable setup for YEARS and it’s easy to see why! This clever slip-D style presentation allows him to change hooks quickly, without scrapping the rig, and it works bloody well for big carp too, as his captures prove! As with any setup, there are refinemen...
Flavours | John Baker | S1: Ep.1
When it comes to making bait there's few with the knowledge or experience possessed by John Baker. With decades in the bait game and a now famous range of ingredients to his name, we wanted to get inside the mind of a truly influential bait boff. In this episode he talks in-depth about what you s...
Wind Lanes & Feeding | Embryo Angling | S1: Ep.2
The second part of our A Lake From Scratch series sees the team at Embryo combating Oxygenation and the feeding of carp in extremely shallow water at Roughs Lake. Many think that you can stock carp into a lake and feed them with guaranteed growth. In most cases they’d be right, but at this venue ...
The Worm Zig | Elliott Gray | C7: Ep.3
This might just be the craziest-looking zig rig that you’ve seen for ages! Nonetheless, Elliott Gray reckons that it’s got excellent potential for nicking a bite when all seems lost! If you can get past the fact it looks like a catfish rig, then you might well catch loads on it! Here’s how to tie…
Floater Fishing | Elliott Gray | S1: Ep.3
Elliott’s back on the bank with some live floater action too, on a local water. We’re sure that you’ll pick up quite a lot from his approach to this, the most subtle of disciplines, in our Tied and Tested feature.
The Fluorocarbon D-Rig | Mark Bryant
Mark Bryant is something of a rig mechanic, so when he suggests a setup, it’s always worth a look. This no-nonsense fluorocarbon D-rig barely ever tangles and resets when it is ejected or disturbed by a carp, putting you back in prime contention for another chance! Simple it may be, but Mark’s tw...
Chalking | Embryo Angling | S1: Ep.3
It's time for the yearly ritual of chalking. This is a seriously labour intensive task and the lads at Embryo have their work cut out, as they deposit 10 tonnes of chalk to the lake bed.
Mobility In-Depth | Myles Gibson | S2: Ep.10
Myles is reckoned to be one of the best big-carp men of his generation, with good reason. Despite being relatively young still, his focus and drive are massive (and his album’s tidy too). We look at his take on mobility and harnessing the deep desire to be on fish; buckle-up for a fascinating in...
The Ultimate Hookbait | Elliott Gray | S1: Ep.7
Elliott reveals all on his ultimate hookbaits. We look at where his obsession came from, what he’s seen and learned along the way, and why they’ve become his go-to choice for big carp fishing. We also dive deep into the process you’ll need to follow should you want to create a pot of these pink w...
The Multi Hinge | Oz Holness | S1: Ep.8
Learn absolutely everything that you need to know about Oz Holness’ go-to pop-up rig, the Hinge Multi, and watch him land one of his target fish on it live for the cameras! Oz goes in-depth on how, where and when to deploy this deadly presentation, and shows us precisely how he ties it to make th...
The Chodfather | Jim Shelley | S1: Ep.6
The Chodfather Returns; Jim Shelley is the master of chod fishing and in this film his approach is laid bare! After discovering this presentation, he spent months tweaking the rig to perfection and the result is his somewhat unique adaptation of the infamous Chod rig. These days, Jim lets his cap...
Roll Like Fareham | Gaz Fareham | S1: Ep.8
Gaz Fareham delivers a masterclass in hookbait rolling, whilst unveiling a recipe for success. The influences of his time fishing Redesmere ooze heavily throughout this video, much like the mix of new and classic flavours do from the hookbaits themselves. The power of high attract baits needs lit...
Adjustable Zigs | Ash Bradbury | S1: Ep.2
Here we have Ash Bradbury, another CYP debutant, talking all things adjustable zigging. He’s one of the masterminds behind the idea and is man responsible for the products used by so many of us today; this is his story, we he uses them, when he uses them, and why you should use them too!
The Stocking | Embryo Angling | S1: Ep.1
Every lake has a beginning, every carp has a story and in this series we're going to follow Embryo Angling Habitats as they bring a beautiful fishery back to it's former glory. The lake in question is a hostile environment and they've most certainly got their work cut out, but with some serious e...
Particle Prep | Elliott Gray | S3: Ep.5
Ever wondered how to cook and prepare particles at home? In this video Elliott delivers an in-depth explainer on how he does it, what he likes to use, and what you’ll need in order to do it for yourself.
Find 'em, Catch 'em | Scott Lloyd | S2: Ep.8
Could you keep up with Scott Lloyd as he manoeuvres around the lake in search of carp!? This film is all about location, Scott Lloyd style; why he does it, how he does it, the highs, the lows and a bundle of little tricks you may never have thought of that might just catch you the carp of your dr...
Wetting A Line | Elliott Gray | S1: Ep.4
Embryo Roughs Lake was brought back from the dead, we’ve followed the journey every step of the way and now it’s time for Elliott to wet a line. As beautiful as the venue is to the eye, it boasts its fair share of dilemmas for the carp angler, such is the unique make up the lake. Staying on the m...
Single Hook Baits | James Armstrong | S1: Ep.6
James Armstrong has all the knowledge you need to make your winter fishing more effective, when the going gets tough, sometimes all it takes is a bright single. On the banks of an old estate lake James puts his single hook baits tothe test and he’s going to tell you exactly how he does it.