The Slip D-Rig | Mike Holly
6m 15s
Mike Holly has used the same efficient, adaptable setup for YEARS and it’s easy to see why! This clever slip-D style presentation allows him to change hooks quickly, without scrapping the rig, and it works bloody well for big carp too, as his captures prove! As with any setup, there are refinements that really make the rig work at its best, and Mike shares those with us here.
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Oli Davies delivers a quick rundown on exactly how he ties his favourite pop-up rig; the super-versatile, easy to use and highly effective, Multi Rig.
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Elliott details exactly how to tie his classic adaptation of The Hinged Stiff Rig; a rig he developed many moons ago and a pop-up presentation that has soared in popularity, standing the test of time and accounting for thousands of big carp.
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Jim Shelley shows us how he constructs his famous hinge rig, incorporating a “super-long boom”. This is a pop-up presentation that has caught him hundreds of big carp and a rig well worth having in the armoury.