With over 1000 acres of water to go at and little to no knowledge on the venue, the task at hand is a monster. Some anglers thrive at a challenge, and this is certainly the case here. In this film, the first of three parts, it’s all about locating carp, as until that box is ticked, there’s one hell of a mountain to climb.
Up Next in Euro
Mind Warp | Jim Shelley & Elliott Gra...
After suffering a devastating loss, Jim & Elliott turn to the pub, which brings a change of fortune. With thousands of acres of water surrounding them, things liven up to an extent they could only have dreamed of, as the monster lake starts to give up its jewels. Big pit carp fishing can either m...
Wild River | Jim Shelley | S3: Ep.1
Jim Shelley thrives at carp fishing’s greatest challenges and we’re joining him as he tries to catch a carp from one of Europe’s most challenging river systems. This is carp fishing like you’ve probably never seen it before, it ain’t easy but the rewards can be monumental.
Staring Down The Barrel | Jim Shelley...
Having never blanked a single trip abroad, Jim was keen to keep it that way. Visiting a river, canal and a lake in just a few days might seem crazy but there’s no such thing as too much hard work when Jim’s in pursuit of carp. Would he be rewarded for his efforts and keep his record intact?
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