This might just be the craziest-looking zig rig that you’ve seen for ages! Nonetheless, Elliott Gray reckons that it’s got excellent potential for nicking a bite when all seems lost! If you can get past the fact it looks like a catfish rig, then you might well catch loads on it! Here’s how to tie…
Up Next in Winter Warmers
Farlows | Tom Maker & Elliott Gray | ...
The Session takes us to renowned Colne Valley day-ticket, Farlows, and before we’d even set out we knew that action was practically guaranteed (even though it was January!), because our guest was ‘The Machine’, Tom Maker! Despite his tender age, Tom has blazed a trail across the carp scene since ...
The Valleys | Nick Helleur & Elliott ...
Nick took us on a cold-water road trip around some of his favourite venues close to his Colne Valley home, as well as further afield. Our feet literally didn’t touch the floor as we battled frozen lakes to get a bend in the rod (SPOILER ALERT: We did manage to capture Nick banking a special canal...
Like Buses | Elliott Gray | S1: Ep.4
Elliott kickstarts his winter campaign in fine style; the chosen venue is a small club, with a relatively low stock and straight away he gets stuck into them. This contains lots carp, and some serious weather!
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