Moor Madness | Steve Renyard | S1: Ep.5
Winter Warmers
Faced with a recently defrosted day-ticket lake that he knows nothing about, Steve Renyard is truly up against it this time! This is what The 48 is about; throwing Steve back into his mettle to see what he’s made of! With storm force winds and rain forecast, we hunker down alongside Martin Bowler’s Moor Lakes and try to locate some carp in challenging conditions! Steve draws on his years of cold-water catches to catch more than his fair share of Moor Lakes carp!
Up Next in Winter Warmers
Christmas Come Early | James Armstron...
This episode is stacked with big carp and includes a monster brace of UK forty-pounders! Winter fishing is far from easy but with the fish in prime condition and fat-bellied, if you can catch them, it’s worth all the effort that cold water carp fishing entails; here’s the proof!
Shutdown | Elliott Gray | S1: Ep.2
Elliott’s Cold-Water Campaign rumbles on, as he tries everything he knows to find a chink in the scaly armour of those cunning Cotswold whackers, and with the lake seemingly on shutdown, our man sticks to his guns, and… well… catches!
Dawn To Dusk | Neil Spooner | S1: Ep.4
Immerse yourself in this feature-length insight into Neil Spooner’s hunt for monster carp, while balancing a family life and busy job! A busy home life and demanding filming schedule mean that Spoons has to cram his personal fishing into relatively limited slots, but that doesn’t stop him from ta...