Falling Leaves | Elliott Gray | S1: Ep.1
Winter Warmers
1h 8m
If you’re going to do a winter campaign and film it, then starting it off with mirrors of 42lb, 39lb and 35lb is probably about how you’d script it, right? Well, that’s exactly what happened to Elliott, when he began his love affair with a quiet Cotswold pit, about 1000 miles from home! You get exactly what you’d expect from our man, warts and all, highs and lows, beers and BBQs and we think you might just love it…
Up Next in Winter Warmers
Single Hook Baits | James Armstrong |...
James Armstrong has all the knowledge you need to make your winter fishing more effective, when the going gets tough, sometimes all it takes is a bright single. On the banks of an old estate lake James puts his single hook baits tothe test and he’s going to tell you exactly how he does it.
Winter | Simon Scott | S1: Ep.1
Scotty and Elliott discuss carp behaviour during the winter, and how a deep understanding of this can help you catch more carp during the toughest season. We learned loads while filming it, and we’re confident you will too!
Make It Easy | Jack Thomson | S3: Ep.2
Carp fishing in winter can be a bit gruelling, especially when you're doing session after session with out a bite! So it can be beneficial lowering your expectations and going to easier waters for a surge in confidence. After you have gained that confidence, you can then start winter campaign for...