It's action, action, action as Neil Spooner smashes his PB live for the Carp TV cameras and Adam heads off to a brand new water for some stalking, with spectacular results. And a familiar face turns up as well... :) Plus all the usual goodies!
Up Next in 2015
July 2015 | Oz Holness
Underground Carper and current UK record holder Oz Holness comes clean in his first ever filmed session! We hear about his secret fishing, the techniques that have made him legendary in the industry, plus of course the sort of the capture of the British record carp. One definitely not to be misse...
August 2015 | Oz Holness
Carp TV Summer Special kicks off with Part 2 of our exclusive Oz Holness feature. Joe goes floater fishing on the mighty, and very exclusive, Homersfield lake, we go behind the scenes at Wraysbury, plus there's some awesome new features!
September 2015 | Iain Macmillian
We're down at the iconic Wraysbury on the bank with Iain Macmillan, we head off for a Fishery Focus all about Bluebell lakes, one of the UK's best day ticket complexes, Oli Bowles shows us some Floater Fishing tips and tactics, plus there's new features in "Flavour of the Month" and all the top a...