The Mighty Paddle | Jim Shelley | S3: Ep.4
1h 12m
Part Two of Jim Shelley’s Woolpack campaign focuses on his relentless quest for the Queen of the Fens, the mighty Paddle. This unique carp was attracting more attention as it crept towards the 50lb mark, so it was now or never for Jim, as he closed in on the ultimate prize. He relives the final days of his campaign for one of the finest big commons the UK has ever produced in this exclusive film. Come along for the ride as the net closes around the biggest carp on the Woolpack Complex.
Up Next in Campaign
A Meeting With Mary | Jim Shelley | S...
The second part of Jim's epic Wraysbury tale sees him level up, catching several of the historic pit's most-wanted, culminating in a meeting with Mary, considered by many to be the UK's most iconic record carp. With Jim, you know that it's going to be a colourful journey and we loved diving back ...
The Slate Grey I | John Payne | S3: Ep.6
Armed with a handy cam and a score to settle, John Payne continues his pursuit of a big club lake common. Having already caught most of the lake’s stock, it’s a grind - but giving up isn’t an option. Balancing everyday life, self-employment, and some wild challenges away from fishing, this is big...
The Slate Grey II | John Payne | S3: ...
After a slow spring and no sign of his dream carp, things finally take a turn for the better - it’s now a case of capitalising on the opportunity. The stars align, the bites keep coming, and before long, the ultimate prize makes a rare mistake. Having remained uncaught for a lengthy period despit...