The Dorchester Linear | Tom Stokes | S2: Ep.5
Tom Stokes ends his campaign for one the best mirror carp ever to have lived in the UK. He’s seen, fished and heard of a number of incredible lakes since, but few compare to this place. This was the first time Tom had ever set out to catch an individual carp and he’s not looked back since this capture. It’s no wonder either as if these fish can’t inspire you to fish for the best of the best, none will! What a story, what a lake, and what a way to finish!
Up Next in Campaign
Forties Fest | Neil Spooner | S1: Ep.5
We join Spooner in full flow amidst his Northwyke campaign, and are lucky enough to witness him capture a brace of forties for the Cypography cameras.
We’re all rooting for him in his pursuit of James’s fish and with a spring capture well on the cards, Neil is well in the running to be the lucky ... -
Home Ground | Nigel Sharp | S1: Ep.2
After such a mega response to part one of his diary, Nige Sharp is back with the follow-up, and it contains exclusive footage of some more of the A-Team that his Berkshire target water holds (think a 40lb mirror, a stunning big common and several thirties to boot), as well as a privileged look at...
The Burghfield Common I | Tom Stokes ...
Tom Stokes is one of best story tellers in carp fishing and we’re bringing his Burghfield campaign to life. This is the first of two parts that see us visit the mighty Burghfield for a tour of the lake, and as best an insight into his journey towards capturing the common as we could muster. In Pt...