Reap What You Sow | Neil Spooner | S1: Ep.2
Another guy bringing us along on his latest campaign is Monster Carp’s Neil Spooner, who has his heart set on a monster much closer to home than those he pursues for ITV. In fact, this remarkable carp, James’ Fish, lives in a tiny Essex pool, and its prodigious growth rate earned it the moniker, The Miracle Baby (from us no less). Having banked almost all the other residents, Neil has devised a cunning plan to trap the wary beast this spring, but what could possibly go wrong?
Up Next in Campaign
Dawn To Dusk | Neil Spooner | S1: Ep.4
Immerse yourself in this feature-length insight into Neil Spooner’s hunt for monster carp, while balancing a family life and busy job! A busy home life and demanding filming schedule mean that Spoons has to cram his personal fishing into relatively limited slots, but that doesn’t stop him from ta...
The Burghfield Common II | Tom Stokes...
Tom Stokes realises a dream with the capture of the best big carp in the land, The Burghfield Common. In the second of this two-part film, we look in-depth at how his campaign culminated in a string of captures that would eventually see his name etched into the carp fishing history books. Many ha...
The Italian | Nick Helleur | S3: Ep.5
Nick Helleur recounts a fascinating tale full of secrecy and intrigue. Like carp fishing’s answer to Indiana Jones, Nick sets his sights on uncovering one of the rarest antiquities of the Colne Valley, a giant old ex-Savay Italian. Having located its quiet home, Nick sets about laying a trap for ...